The former “Tübke Villa” in Leipzig, Springerstraβe 5, where Werner Tübke lived and worked from 1977 until 2004.
In addition to the art work a more private glimpse into Tübke’s life is made possible in the “Traditionsecke”, a room where selected personal items and working materials are on display. Docent led tours for interested visitors or larger groups are available by appointment.
The Foundation is dedicated to the remembrance, preservation and scientific management of Werner Tübke’s artistic heritage in his self-chosen home town Leipzig. To achieve this goal the Foundation is supported by the Culture Department of Leipzig, the Museum of Art, the Panorama Museum Bad Frankenhausen and the University of Leipzig.
Executive Board
Dr. Stefan Weppelmann, Director, Museum of Art, Leipzig
Phone: 0341 / 216 999 20
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deputy Chairman
Hans-Henning Freiherr von Bischoffshausen
Management Board
Michael Triegel – President
Susanne Schellenberger – Vice President
Dr. Skadi Jennicke, Mayor of Leipzig and Culture Deputy
Gerd Lindner, Director, Panorama Museum Bad Frankenhausen
Dr. Annika Michalski
Prof. Dr. Frank Zöllner
Scientific Contributions
Dr. Annika Michalski, Art Historian